The fishing tournament begins! The agents experience van issues! Haunting lights dance across the lake! Oh dear…
Photo by Aislyn
PARCS 2 | The Lurker of Lake Luskogee | Part 8 – Power Word Crit
Theme music arranged by Corrin Sparks.
Background music by Kevin MacLeod, used under the standard-license from
Bicycle by Kevin MacLeod
Comfortable Mystery by Kevin MacLeod
Hard Boiled by Kevin MacLeod
I Knew a Guy by Kevin MacLeod
Investigations by Kevin MacLeod
Long Note One by Kevin MacLeod
Marty Gots A Plan by Kevin MacLeod
Modern Jazz Samba by Kevin MacLeod
Prelude and Action by Kevin MacLeod
Stormfront by Kevin MacLeod
Welcome To Horrorland by Kevin MacLeod